About Us

HERITAGE RENFREW is an incorporated Ontario not-for-profit organization and a registered charity.
Its purpose is:

  1. To bring together people interested in the Heritage and History of Renfrew and the surrounding area.
  2. To discover and collect documentation that may help to establish and illustrate the history, heritage and culture of the area.
  3. To co-operate with the National Archives and the Archives of Ontario to collect and preserve documentary materials of historical and cultural significance so that these may be available to students, scholars and researchers.
  4. To provide archives for the preservation of such materials and for their accessibility, as far as may be feasible, to all those who wish to examine and study them.
  5. To disseminate and create interest in our past by:
    a. Publishing such materials.
    b. Holding meetings with addresses, lectures, papers and discussion.
    c. Promoting the marking of historic buildings, sites and roads, after their official designation by the proper authorities within Federal, Provincial or Municipal Councils
    d. Using media for public interest.
    e. Organize bus tours of historical interest.
  6. To utilize all profits or benefits accruing to Heritage Renfrew in the promotion of its objectives.
  7. To ensure that Heritage Renfrew shall be carried on without the purpose of gain for its members and any profits or other accreditations to the Corporation shall be used to promoting its objectives.

It is governed by a Board of Directors and a Constitution and Bylaws and invites all interested parties into its Membership.