book Founding Bagot, Blythfield & Brougham

Founding Families
of Bagot, Blythfield
& Brougham


Volume 3 in the Founding Families series


Carol Bennett

Were your ancestors living in Bagot, Blythfield or Brougham prior to 1861? If so, they were
among the earliest pioneer families of the district. Although few of them were rich in worldly
goods we should think of these people as part of an elite group who, through, their hard work
and vision of a better future, have left a legacy of which we can all be proud. It was they who
cleared the land and setup institutions which are valued by us today.

Settlement of the area was begun in the early 1830s when lumbermen and their employees came into the area to harvest the great forest trees. Many of the pioneers off these three townships had lived elsewhere in the Ottawa Valley before moving to Renfrew County. Loyalists arrived to build sawmills and grist mills. French, Irish, Scottish and a few English families joined them. Many had come from the Counties of Lanark, Carleton and Grenville in Ontario, and others from Quebec. Still others had settled for a while in McNab Township under the rule of the autocratic Laird of McNab.

This book lists the families who settled here in time to be included in the 1851 and 1861 censuses for Bagot, Blythfield and Brougham. To the census material we have added information from many other sources, such as church records, obituaries, newspaper stories, family notes and diaries, land records and tombstones.

While we cannot pretend to have assembled complete genealogies of the pioneer generation – that would take the work of several lifetimes – we have at least gathered some data which should be of great value to their descendants, including those not yet born. We have also included references to people with similar surnames to those under study, which may be of value to out-of-town researchers.

Surname INDEX

Adams Adrain Aikenhead Alexander Allan Allen Anderson Armand Arnold Aumire Aumond

Bailey Baillie Baird Bandy Banna Bargett Barnett Barrett Barry Bartlett Beach Beaudry Belanger Bennett Bereau Billings Black Blais Blimkie Boivin Boland Bolger Boudreau Bourdignon Bourget Bowes Braden Bradford Bradley Brady Breen Bremner Brennan Bresnehan Brick Bridgeman Bridget Bill Bromley Brown Brownlee Bruce Brulee Brydges Bryer Buckley Bulger Burk Burke Burns Burroughs Byers

Cain Caldwell Callaghan Cameron Campbell Cardiff Carlson Carmichael Carnochan Carr Carswell Casey Carty Chapman Charles Church Clark Clement Closs Coburn Cochrane Code Cole Coleman Collins Colterman Colton Condon Conlon Conn Connaughan Connor Conway Copps Corrigan Costello Coughlin Coulter Cowan Coyle Craig Cram Crawford Creighton Crofts Cronan Culhane Cully Cummings Cunningham Curnan Curran Curry Curtin Cuthbert

Danford Davidson Davis De Guise Desjardins Delaney Delarge Dempsey Denniston Deriviere Deslaurier Devine Dewar Dhank Dickie Dickson Dillon Dinwoodie Dobbie Dodds Dodge Dolan Donaldson Donnelly Donohue Donovan Dooley Dooling Douglas Douras Dowdall Doyle Driscoll Drohan Drummond Drysdale Dubreuil Duff Duffy Duggan Dundin Dunford Dunn Dunnegan Dupuis Durrell Dwyer

Eady Eastman Echron Elliott Emo English Enright

Fahey Fair Farrell Faubert Featherstone Fee Fennell Fergus Ferguson Fillator Finnell Fisher Fitzgerald Fitzmaurice Fitzpatrick Fogarty Foran Forrest Fossette Foster Foy Fraser Frawley French Frood

Gagnier Galbraith Gallagher Gannon Garvey Gaudette Gauthier George Gervais Gibbons Gibson Glossop Godin Golden Goodfellow Gougherty Gough Grace Grady Graham Grant Green Grimes Guiney

Hackett Hailey Halliday Hamilton Hanly Hannagh Hanrahan Hare Harrington Harris Hart Hartney Haskins Hastie Hastings Healey Hearne Hearst Hennessy
Hickson Holden Holliday Holmes Holly Hoover Huff Hughes Hunt Hunter Hutson Hyde Hyett Hyland

Inglis Irving

Jacco Jackson James Jamieson Jenkins Jessup Johnson Johnston Johnstone Jordan Jourdan Joyce

Kane Keates Keats Keir Kelly Kennedy Kennelly Kenny Kerr Kerrigan Kiely Kilby Kiley Killoran Kippen Kirkpatrick Knight

Labelle Lacombe Laderoute Lafrance Lalonde Landon Lane Laplante Larkins Laronde Laughlin Lavallee Lavigne Lawlor Leblanc Leclaire Leclerc Legree Legris Lemaire Lett Lewis Lipsey Loftus Lowry Lucas Ludgate Lynch

Mackay MacMillan MacPherson Madigan Malboeuf Mallard Malloy Maloney Maquoi Marcella Marchand Marks Marsolet Martel Marlin Masson Mather Maxwell McArthur McAllister McCaffrey McCallum McCarter McCarthy McCollum McConeghy McConnachie McCormac McCormack McCoy McCrea McDermott McDonald McDonnell McDonough McElligott McElvey McEwen McFadden McFarlane McFayden McGee McGillis McGonegal McGregor McGrath McGuire McHale McHarly McHugh Mclnally Mclntomney Mclntyre McKara McKenna McKenzie McKie McKinley McLachlan McLachlin McLaughlin McLean McLellan McLeod McMahon McMannimon McManus McNab McNally McNamara McNaughton McNeally McNee McNie McNeely McNeil McNicoll McNiven McNulty McPherson McQuarrie McQuestion McWilliams Melville Melvin Miller Mills Milotte Mitchell Moffat Montgomery Mooney Moore Moran Moreau Morel Morgan Moriarty Morin Morrill Morrison Morrow Mulligan Mullowney Mulvihill Munn Murphy Murray

Naughton Neill Neville Nevin Newell Nichols Nicholson Nickaless Nolan Noons Norsworthy Norris Nurse

O’Brien O’Connor O’Donohue O‘Gorman O’Grady O‘Hare O’Hearne O’Kane O’Keefe O’Neill Oram O`Shea O’Toole Otterson Owens

Parcher Paris Pashak Paterson Patterson Percival Perrault Perrier Peterson Plant Poff Pokorny Potvin Power Prentice Pretty

Quade Queally Quigley Quilty Quinn

Rainville Rankin Reddy Raymond Reid Remington Rice Richards Richardson Ringrose Roach Robert Robillard Roddy Rodgers Rollins Rorison Rose Rowan Ruddy Russell Ryan

Sadler Sammon Sampson Sayer Scanlon Scollard Scott Scully Searson Shanahan Sheedy Sheehan Shibaly Sibary Siletz Sinclair Skuce Smith Somerville Spence Squires Stack Steele Stewart St Julien St Louis Storey Storring Stoughton Strain Stringer Strong Stroud Sullivan Sutcliffe Symington Symon

Tait Taylor Thibodeau Thom Thomas Thompson Thomson Tierney Towns Truesdale Truesdell

Valiquette Vance Van Dusen Vaughan Vincent Virgin Voy

Waddell Wall Wallace Walsh Waltham Walters Wark Wasnick Waters Watson Watt Webster Whelan White Williams Wilson Windle Wingle

Young Yuill