book Renfrew Victoria Hospital


1897 – 1997
Carol Bennett McCuaig


I. Celebrating the Past
The need for a hospital
Into the modern age
Hospital Expansion
The RVH Auxiliary
The Board of Tiustees

II. The School of Nursing
The story of the school
Memories of some graduates
The Florence Nightingale Club
List of graduates plus the classes of 1966,1967

III. Caring for Tomorrow
RVH in the 1990s
Appendix I. 100 years of Hospital Administration
Appendix II. Physicians affiliated with the hospital
Appendix III. Board members through the years

About the author.

Randy Penney, CEO
Admitting and Communications
The Emergency Room. Ambutatory Care
Clinical Records
Nursing in the Modern Era
Medical Surgical Unit
Surgical programme
The Ronald McDonald Room
The Oncology Unit
Obstetrics. Dircharge planning
Continuing Care Uiit
Special programmes
Diagnostic Imaging
Respiratory Therapy
The Nephrology programme
The Laboratory
PharmacyPhysiotherapy Services
Environmental Support
Plant Maintenance ind Engineering
Material Management
Human Resources
Speech & Language Department
Palliative Care
Renfrew & District Ministerial Association
Sexual Assault Care Centre
Community Mental Health Services
Renfrew County Alcohol & Drug Assessment Referral Service
Air Ambulance Service
Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation
Recent chiefs of staff. Presidents




Acres Acton Adair Affleck Aikenhead Aitken Allum Anderson Angelkovski Angus Appleyard Arbic Arbuthnot Arkwright Armatage Armstrong Arnett Arnott Ash Avison

Badour Bailey Baker Ballard Banting Barnet Barr Barry Bastow Baxter Bazak Beach Beal Beattie Beatty Beckett Behm Belanger Belaskie Bennett Berger Berlanquet Bertrand Best Bielaskie Bilmer Bilson Bissett Blackwood Blakeney Blimkie Blomeley Boese Boicey Bolam Boldt Bolger Boudreau Bowes Box Boyle Bradley Brewis Briscoe Britton Bromley Brown Brownlee Bruce Bryce Brydges Burch Burchat Burger Burgess Burns Burt Burton Burwell Butler Butt Buttle Buxton

Cadieux Cairns Calow Campbell Caples Carmichael Carnegie Caro Carr Carriere Carroll Carson Carswell Carty Cassidy Castonguay Cayen Chamberlain Charbonneau Charter Chartrand Childerhose Chown Church Clark Clarke Cliff Clouthier Closs Coad Cobus Code Coderre Cole Coleman Collins Colterman Conley Connaughan Connolly Cooke Cooper Corrigan Corriveau Costello Cotie Cotnam Coulas Coules Courtney Couture Craig Crane Cranfield Cranston Crogie Cross Crowe Crozier Cryderman Cuff Cunningham Currie-Mills Currie Curry

Dagenais Dagg Dale Daly Darrach Davidson Davies Davis Day Declo Deaudry Delarge Delbrouck Delpero Dench Dent Desilets Derry Desjardins Deslaurier Devenny Devine Devlin Dick Dillon Dionne Dixon Dolan Dominy Donnelly Donohue Dougherty Douglas Downey Downing Doyle Draper Drefke Drummond Drysdale Duff Duggan Dumouchel Dumoulin Dunbar Dupuis Dymond

Eady Early Easton Eckford Eggerstedt Elder Eldridge Eliott Ellis English Enright Etmanski Evans

Faichney Farncombe Farquharson Faught Featherstone Fennessey Ferguson Ferrier Finnigan Fletcher Flewellyn Fishenden
Fisher Fletcher Fleury Flinn Flintoff Folkema Foran Forbes Forgie Forrest Fortier Foss Fossmark Foster Foy Francis Frank Fraser Freer French Fritsch Frizelle Frood Frost Fulton

Galbraith Gale Galligan Gates Geddes Geale Gendron George Gerundin Gervan Gfeller Gibbons Gibson Giff Gillan Gillies Gilmour Goodfellow Gorman Gould Goulet Grace Graham Grail Gravelle Green Greenough Griese Griffith Grigg Gruntz Guest Guyea

Hall Hammill Hamilton Handford Hanniman Hanrahan Haramis Harker Harlow Hart Hay Hayes Hayhurst Headrick Heath Heffron Heins Helferty Hemphill Henderson Hendry Henshilwood Hermans Hetherington Hildebrandt Hilliard Hilliker Hisko Hobson Hodgins Ho Hoffman Hohs Holden Hollands Holmes Hooper Hopper Hoppin Horne Horner Horning Hoskins
Hough Hourigan Howard Howarth Howes Howson Hughes Humphries Hunt Hunter

Inglis Inwood Irving

Jack Jackson James Jamieson Jeffrey Jenner Jessup Johnson Johnston Jolicoeur Jones Jordan Juby

Kallies Kanigsberg Karsh Kasaboski Kauppinen Kauffeldt Kay Keddie Keddy-Grant Kedrosky Kellam Kelly Kemp Kennedy Kennery Kenopic Keon Kidd Kilby Kiley Kilgore Kimberley Kirk Kirkwood Kitts Knight Kubiseskie Kubisheski Kucey Kwong

Laderoute Laframboise Lamacraft Lane Lane-Yuke Langdon Langlois Lanyon Lapierre Larkin Latendresse Lavallee Laviature Lavigne Laviolette Leclaire Lee Legary Legree Leitch Lemenchick Lemke Lepine Leskie Levesque Lewis Limongelli Lindsay Lisk Livingstone Lockwood Logan Lorente Low Lowe Lynch Lynn Lyons Lytle

MacAdam MacDonald MacGregor Maclnnes Mackay MacKenzie Mackie MacKinnon MacLaren MacPherson Mahoney Mahusky Malloch Mallon Maloney Manion Mann Mangan Manwell Marion Martin Marquart Mask Mason Matosh Matsusaki Mayhew McAdam
McAndrew McArthur McCann McClelland McCormack McCrae McDonald McDougal McDougall McDowell McEachern McElligott McEwan McEwan-Barnes McEwen McFie McGregor McHale McHugh Mclnnes Mclntosh Mclntyre McKay McKeddie McKendry McKillop
McKittrick McLaren McLaughlin McLean McLenaghan McLennan McLeod McMahon McMaster McMullen McNab McNally McNaught McNeil McNevin McNicol McNicoll McNulty McFarland McPeak McPhail McQuitty McVeigh McVicar McWatters McWilliams Melanson Mellor Menzies Metcalfe Meyer Mickus Middleton Miller Milliken Mills Misner Mitchell Mooney Moore Moorhead Moran Morganstern Moriarty Morrison Mosco Moss Moulton Mullitan Mulvihill Munhall Munn Murphy Murray

Nadobny Neilson Newberry Nichols Nidd Nolan Normandeau Nuffield

Oattes Oattes-Crozier O’Brien O’Connell O’Donnell Oegema O’Gorman O’Hare O’Kane O’Leary Oliphant Oliver O’Malley O’Neill Ooi Orr Osler Ostroskie Ouellet

Page Paliga Parker Paterson Patterson Patzer Pauhl Paul Payette Payne Pecore Pedlow Peever Pelicos Pender Penney Peplinski Persaud Pettigrew Phanenhour Phillips Piasetzki Pickering Pilgrim Pilon Pitt Plaunt Pleau Poff Poga Pogue Pope Post Pottinger Powell Power Pratt Preen Presley Pretty Price Prince Proctor Pulcine Purdon Purvis

Quackenbush Quartermaine Quast Quin

Rabin Ramey Rathwell Rattray Rekowski Redford Reeves Reid Rennie Rettie Reynolds Rheaume Ringrose Richards Richardson Richter Riddell Riopelle Ritza Roberts Robertson Robinson Robson Rochester Roffey Rogers Rosenblath Rose Ross Rouble Rousselle Rowan Rowe Roy Rudy Rusland Russett Ryan

Samis Sauve Sayles Scarf Scerba Scheffler Schell Schimmons Schrama Schultz Scott Shamess Sharpe Shaw Sheahan Sidock
Sills Silva Simard Simmons Simson Simpson Siroski Sitaram Sitwell Sleeth Sly Smaggus Smallfield Smart Smee Smith Somerville Sparling Springer Stafford Starling Stark Steele Steen Stetson Stevens Stevenson Stewart Stitt Stokes Stone Stoughton St Pierre Strachan Strader Strom Strong Stroud Stuart Stutfko Styles Sullivan Sulpher Swant Symington

Tardiff Tasker Tate Taylor Telford Tetlock Thacker Thivierge Thompson Thomson Thurston Tiernay Timmins Timmons Tinsley Tobin Totten Troke Troup Tweedell

Vale Valiquette Van de Kemp Van Woezik Vexler Vezina Vice Vickers Villamere Vlrkus Visinski Vooght

Waddell Wade Wainman Walford Walker Wallace Walsh Ward Warren Watson Watt Watts Welch Wesbrook Wheeler White Wilke Williams Williamson Willie Willoughby Willock Wilson Windle Wing Wishart Worling Wren Wright

Yakaback Yandon Young Yuill Yuke
