book Story of Renfrew Vol 3

The Story of Renfrew

Poem, L.E. Jolicoeur
The Mayor’s Message
The Story of Renfrew
The settlement of Renfrew
The municipal story
Renfrew’s main street
The industrial story
Hotels of the community
Politics, then and now
Here and there
Special events
The health care story
A century and a half in education
The newspapers
The churches of Renfrew
The Renfrew fair
The ethnic mosaic
The Depression
Our military history
Organizations in the town
sport and recreation
List of subscribers
Photo credits

The original Story of Renfrew was published in 1919 and was entitled “Volume One.” Copies of this book are now highly prized, and fetch up to $200 a piece in antiquarian book stores. An unfinished ‘Volume Two’ was written, setup and printed by William Hamilton Smallield, son of William Elgood Smallfied. This new Story of Renfrew is, in effect, volume three.

The spark behind the original work was Mr. A.A. Wright. He stood up at a meeting of the South Renfrew Farmers’ Institute at the end of 1899 and suggested that a history of the community should be written. Thinking that this was a good way to begin a new century, Editor W.E. Smallfield of The Mercury took up the challenge.

He interviewed a number of the older residents, including Henry and David Airth, Robert McLaren, Iohn Smith, W.N. Faichney, Joseph Gravelle and Mrs Eady. In 1901 and 1902, a series of articles appeared, based on the information gleaned from these people. Mr. Smallfield planned to make these articles into a book in due course, so each week when the type of the story was taken from the newspaper columns, it was made up into book page size, and 200 sheets were printed and set aside.

Next, the work of compiling Renfrew’s history was taken up by Rev. Robert Campbell, a retired Presbyterian minister and a former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church. His work appeared in The Mercury in 1908. Unfortunately he died before completing his research, and the project remained at a standstill until Mr. Smallfield retired from business in 1919.

In the preface to the book, Mr Smallfield wrote:
It is the writer’s purpose to continue the history and in another volume to deal with the people who followed those whose record is herein given, and with the steady advance the town and district has made under the industry of the pioneers’ successors.

In this succeeding volume also there will have to be some looking backward, for this present story does not touch upon the establishment of the Church of England and Baptist congregations in Renfrew; carries along the story of the Roman Catholic congregation only to the beginning of the priesthood of Father Hougier; does not record the founding and development of the Separate School and Convent, nor the early history of some of the influential fraternal societies. These omissions will be made good in volume two.

Now, almost three quarters of a century later, we have taken up where Mr Smallfield left off. Our task has been to record the founding and the activities of many churches, organizations and schools undreamed of in his day. Again, the citizens of the town have assisted with the writing of the history. In addition to those whose bylines appear over the various chapters, there are others, un-named, who have done research, loaned photographs, acted as couriers and raised money for the project. This is truly a community effort.

Again, The Mercury has come to the fore. Publisher Fred Runge has given permission for use to reproduce certain material which previously appeared in the newspaper. This includes many of Harry Hinchley’s popular columns, as well as excerpts from some staff feature stories. Progress reports and requests for material have also been given generous space in The Mercury.

The programme of micro-filming the old copies of The Advance, The Mercury-Advance and The Mercury, begun during the tenure of D.W. McCuaig, has had far-reaching effects. Researchers have had unlimited access to the old files, and work on The Story of Renfrew would have been very difficult indeed without this privilege.

Abercrombie, Bob
Abercrombie, Jack
Abbott, Len
Aberdeen, Lord
Aberdeen Park
Acme Seeley
Acorn Range
Adamchick, Ambrose
Adamchick, Lawrence
Advance, The
Affleck, Stuart
Agate, Betty
Agate, Charlie
Agricultural Society
Agnew, Anne
Agricultural Representative
Aikenhead, Donald
Aikenhead, Ruth Fraser
Aikenhead, Pearl
Aikenhead, William
Airth, Agnes
Airth, Catherine
Airth, David
Airth, Edith
Airth, Fanny
Airth, Harry
Airth, Sgt. Henry
Airth, Mrs Henry
Airth, H.J.
Airth, James
Airth, Major John
Airth, Marion
Airth, Robert
Airth, T.J.
Airth, William
Airth barber shop
Alberti, Heather
Albion Hotel
Alexander, G.H.
Allum, Rev. Walter
Allum, W.P.
Alves, Alex
Amaron, Alice
Amaron, Bob
Amy, Harold
Amphenol Canada
Anderson, A
Anderson, Alf
Anderson, Betty
Anderson, Mrs D.
Anderson, Earl
Anderson, Ed
Anderson, Eunice
Anderson, Isobel
Anderson, Judy
Anderson, Laura
Anderson, Les
Anderson-Fishenden-MacKinnon Memorial Cup
Andison, Miss
Adams, Doug
Adams, Flo
Addie, Isabella
Addison, Mathew
Andre, Mr
Andrews, Duane
Andrew, Evelyn
Angus, Michael
Angus, Mrs. Wilbert
Appleyard, Dr. Craig
Arbuthnot, Dwain
ARC Industries
Archer, Richard
Argue, Robert
Armitage garage
Armitage, Richard
Armstrong, P.N.
Arnott, Mary Lou
Arszalek, George
Ashfield, Edith
Askin, Ed
Asquith, Gordon
Asslin, Mrs. John
Association for the Mentally Retarded
Atkinson, J.
Atlantic & Northwestern Railway
Austin, Allan
Austin, J.
Austin, Mrs. J.M.
Austin, William
Avison, Myrna
Baddeley, Lt. F.H.
Bagot Township
Bailey, Mrs. Jack
Baird, Alex
Baldwin’s Livery
Ballard, Carl
Bannerman, William
Baptist Church
Banting, W.S.
Barber, John
Barker, Clarence
Barker, Ella
Barker Flora
Barnet, Alex
Barnet, Mrs.
Barnet, Allan
Barnet, George
Barnet, G.
Barnet, James
Barnet, Tom Sr.
Barnet, Tom Jr.
Barnet, Mrs. T.F.
Barnet Manufacturing Co
Barnet Refrigerator
Barkey, Art
Barr, Catherine
Barr, Chris
Barr, David
Barr, Harry
Barr, Kenneth
Barr, Mackie
Barr, William
Barr, Willis
Barr & Wright
Barrington, J.D.
Barry, J.R.
Barry, Jennie
Barry, Margaret
Barry’s Bay
Bartholomew, John
Baskin, James
Beal, W.T.
Beattie, Betty
Beattie, Bert
Beattie, Frank
Beattie, Mary
Beattie, Robert
Beatty, W.].
Beauchamp, Antoine
Beaupre, Mrs. L.
Beck, Sir Adam
Becker, Henry
Behm, Eldon
Beimers, John
Beimers, William
Beimers, Mrs.
Belandin, George
Belanger, Doris
Belanger, Glen
Bell, Catherine
Bell, Christopher
Bell, Robert
Bell Line
Belden, H.
Bellows, Caleb
Bennett, Earl
Bennett, Hon. R.B.
Bennett & Briggs
Benson, Ben
Berlanquet, John
Bertrand, Ken
Best, Donald
Best, Harold
Betts, Charles
Big Brothers
Bichard, Mary
Bijou Orchestra
Billings, Elkanah
Bilson, Murray
Birkby, LA.
Bishop Ryan Boys’ School
Black, Bruce
Black Donald Graphite Co.
Black, Walter
Blackburn, F.
Blackburn, Horace
Blackwell, Andrew
Blane, J.F.
Blane, Mrs. J.
Bleeker, Craig
Blimkie, Dean
Blimkie, Frank
Blimkie, Martin
Blimkie, Wanda
Blue Bell Canada
Bol, Pieter
Bolam, Wilfred
Bonnechere Manor
Bonnechere Point
Bonnechere River
Bonnington, George
Bonnington House
Boldt, Ed
Boldt, Fred
Boldt, Ken
Bolger, Harold
Bolger, M.J.
Bolger, Mrs. P.
Bolger, Philip
Booth, J.R.
Bouvier, Rev. J.
Bonfield, James
Bowes, Bob
Box, B.
Box, H.
Box, Dr. Howard
Box, Mrs. Ambrose
Box, S
Boy Scouts
Boys’ Band
Boyce, Stewart
Bradley, Rev. L.
Bradley, Lloyd
Breck, Mrs. Wm
Breckenridge, Charles
Brennan, Rev. K.
Bres, Jamesina
Bresnahan, Douglas
Bricault, Al
Briginshaw, Ernest
Brisco, Gerry
Brisco, Gordon
Briscoe, J.W.
Briscoe, Janet
Briscoe, Robert
British Hotel
Bromilow, John
Bromley, Phyllis
Bromley Township
Brougham Township
Brown, Dr. Al
Brown, Brian
Brown, Eric
Brown, Eulalia
Brown, Harry
Brown, Lucy
Brown, Margaret
Brown, Valerie
Brown, Dr. Walter
Brownlee, M.E.
Broyden, Grace
Brunette, Joseph
Brunette, Mrs. Joseph
Brunke, Kathleen
Bruyere, Oliver
Bryan, Dr. Hugh
Brydge, Harry
Brydge, Mabel
Brydges, Austin
Brydges, Don
Brydges, Glenyce
Brydges, Dr. H.M.
Brydges, Mona
Buchanan, A.
Buczny, Walter
Budd, D.W.
Budd, N.
Buffam, Jean
Buffet, E.N.
Bujold, Norman
Bulger, Louise
Bulger, Mrs. Jack
Bulger, William
Bunting, F.
Burchat, L.
Burnley Aircraft
Burke, C.O.
Burke, W
Burkhouse, Capt. Elizabeth
Burns, John
Burns, Martin
Burns, Vi
Burwell, Cindy
Burwell, De Vee
Burwell, Dr. George
Burwell, John
Burwell, Dr. Robert
Burwell, Ruth
Burwell, Dr. William
Business & Professional Women
Butson, Bill
Butson, Bert
Buzzell, Bob
Byers, Charles
Byers, William
Byrne, Rev. Michael
Byron, Ernie
Byron, Mack
Cadets, RCI
Cailleir, Raymond
Cairney, James
Calberry, Marie
Calnan, Larry
Calvin, George
Cameron, Mrs. J.
Cameron, Dr. J.
Cameron, Joanna
Cameron, John
Cameron, Peter
Cameron, W.A.
Campbell, Mrs. B
Campbell, Donald
Campbell, Ena
Campbell, Evelyn
Campbell, Gary
Campbell, James
Campbell, Jean
Campbell, JoAnne
Campbell, Ken
Campbell, Lorne
Campbell, Marilyn
Campbell, Mrs. Mel
Campbell, Moodie
Campbell, Ray
Campbell, Rev. Robert
Campbell, Ross
Canaan church
Canada Central Railway
Canadian Foresters
Canadian Hardwoods
Canadian National Railway
Canadian Pacific Railway
Canadian Tire
Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assoc.
Canter, E.T.
Caouette, Butch
Caouette, V.
Cardiff, Ann
Carleton County
Carmichael, James
Carmichael, Peter
Carney, James
Carr, John
Carriere, Barbara
Carriere, Libby
Carruth, Billy
Carruth, George
Carruth, James
Carruth, T.
Carswell’s hill
Carswell Dr. Allan
Carswell, Bryan
Carswell, Curtis
Carswell, Jack
Carswell, James
Carswell, Janet
Carswell, Jennie
Carswell, Les
Carswell Margaret
Carswell, Reid
Carswell, Robert
Carter scholarships
Carthy, Edward
Carty, Gert
Carty, George
Casey, Rev.
Catholic Foresters
Catholic Mutual Benevolent Assoc.
Catholic Women’s League
Caulfield, Rev.
Cavanagh, Ellie
Cavanaugh, Sherwood
Cayley, William
Cemetery, R.C.
Central School
Centreside Dairy
Cero, Pauline
Chalmers, Dorcas
Chamber of Commerce
Champlain Flying Club
Chapeski, Alex
Chapieski, Henry
Charbonneau, Bob
Chatson, William
Chatterton, Jeremiah
Chiarelli, Toby
Child, William
Children’s Aid Society
Chisholm livery
Chisholm, McDonald & O’Brien
Chosen Friends
Choral Union
Chow de Wah
Chown, Laura
Chown, Murray
Chown, S.T.
Chown, Mrs. W.
Christian Brothers
Christian Reformed Church
Christie, Rev. Douglas
Church, Cliff
Church, Frank
Church, Janie
Church, Leslie
Church, Spencer
Churchill, John
Citizen Shield
Citizen’s Band
CKOB Radio
Clark, Alice
Clark, Charlie
Clark, Helen
Clark, James
Clark, Neil
Clark, Peter
Clark, Roy
Clarke, Rt. Rev. R.M.
Cleary, Brick
Cleary, Stella
Clements, Allie
Closs, Bob
Clouthier, Joe
Cockburn, Lt. Col
Cochrane, Ken
Cochrane, Marion
Cockshutt Aircraft
Cole, Heber
Coleraine Hall
Collins, Dr. J.A.
Collins, Stan
Collins, Luella
Colson, Ned
Colterman, Greg
Colterman, Helen
Comba, C
Comba, Mrs. Delbert
Confraternity of Christian Mothers
Conley, J.
Connelly, George
Connelly, Mrs.
Connery, Bill
Connolly, J.J.
Connolly, Dr. Bernard
Cook, Eddie
Cook, Gordon
Cook, M
Cook, Sam
Cooke, Bobby
Cooke, Dorothy
Cooke, Ed
Cooke, G.B.
Cooke, Jean
Coolican, H.B.
Coolican, Helen
Coolican, Tuck
Cooper, Gordon
Cooper livery
Cornett, Rev. A.D.
Cornett, Jim
Cornish, Rev. James
Costello, Thomas
Cosy Corner Tea Room
Cote, Carol
Cotie, Fred
Cotie, Sandra
Cottell, Frank
Coughlin, Hilda
Coughlin, Mary
Coulas, Des
Coules, Jerry
Coulson, E.
Coumbes, John
Coumbes, Sampson
County Council
Courneyea, Teresa
Coursey, Maude
Cousans, Thomas
Cowan, Albert
Cox, Elizabeth
Cox, George
Cox, Gladys
Cox, H.
Cox, Hilda
Cox, Nelson
Cox, Vera
Craig, David
Craig, James
Craig, Justice
Craig, William
Cram, Bill
Cram, Lorne
Crawford, Lloyd
Crogie, G.
Croskery, Jack
Cross, Gordon
Crozier, Andrew
Crozier, Harry
Crozier, Irwin
Crozier, Millie
Crozier, Wilbert
Cuff, Arthur
Cuff, Gean
Culbertson, B.
Cummings, P.R.
Culligan, Michael
Cullum, W.G.
Cummings Manufacturing Co.
Cundell, Robert
Curl, Larry
Curling Club
Curry, Mrs. Charles
Curry, Jane
Curry-Mills, Jean
Curry-Mills, John
Cuthbertson, G.J.
Cuthbertson, James
Cuthbertson, Tom
Cybulski, Kenneth
Czysch, Gustav
Daback, Jacob
Dadds, John
Dagg, Eric
Dagg, Fred
Dagg, Mildred
Dagg, Olive
Dalgleish, Merle
Dalgleish, Sarah
D’Aoust, Paul
Darrach, Eva
Dashoney, Milt
Datum Custom Machinery
David, John
Davidson, Gordon
Davies, Senator Rupert
Davies, W.H.
Davis, Fred
Davis, Jack
Davis, Miss
Davis, Hon. William
Day, Les
Decoteaux, Gabrielle
Dean, Bill
Dean, Harry
Dean, Mamie
Dean, Noble
Delarge, Sadie
Delyea, May
Demarce, W.G.
Dempsey store
Dempsey, Hon. James
Dempsey, Samuel
Dench, Frank
Dench, Jessie
Denne, Al
Dereham, W.
Derry, Allen
Derry, Mrs. Allen
Descheau, Antoine
Desilets, Joffre
Desilets, Evelyn
Desjardins, Armand
Desjardins, Blanche
Deskin, Jim
Deslaurier Custom Cabinets
Deslaurier, Mary
Devenney, Percy
Devine, Andrew
Devine, Cecelia
Devine, F.M.
Devine, Felix
Devine, J.J.
Devine, M.
Devine, Mayor
Devine, Patrick
Devine, Thomas
Devine & Legris
Devitt, V.
DeVries, Reina
Dewey, Charles
Dewey, John
Diana Sweets
Dick, Alex
Dick, Dr. Arthur
Dick, Barclay
Dick, Elaine Wilson
Dick, Garnet
Dick, Joan
Dick, Mel
Dicke, T.
Dickinson, Mrs.
Dickson, William
Diefenbaker, Hon. John
Dier, Daryl
Dixon, Mary Ann
Dixon, Robert
Doherty, Catherine
Dolan, Evelyn
Dolan, Flossie
Dolan, Jack
Dolan, Leona
Dolan, Ray
Dombroski, Mary
Dominion House
Dominion Magnesium
Donaldson, Bill
Donaldson, Eleanor
Donaldson, Keith
Donaldson Pharmacy
Donnelly, Albert
Donnelly, Rosamund
Donnelly, Mrs. A.
Donohue, Cecilia
Donohue, James
Dooner, Rt. Rev.
Dorenwend, Professor
Dougall, Peter
Dougherty, Mervin
Dougherty, Rob
Dowd, Betty
Dowd, Clarence
Dowd, Jed
Dowd, Paddy
Dowdall, Rev.
Downing, Dr. C.
Downing, Fred
Downing, Dr. Michael
Downs, Marjorie
Downs, W.E.
Draper, Evelyn
Dregas, Alex
Dregas, Steve
Drew, Edith
Drouin, Carmel
Drouin, Roger
Drummond College
Drummond, Mr & Mrs J.F.
Drury, Alan
Drysdale, Christina
Drysdale, Robert
Duff, Mrs. A.
Duff, Mrs. C.
Duffy, F.
Duggan, Loretta
Duggan, M.T.
Duggan, Dr. Robert
Dumonchel, Winnifred
Duncan, J.D.
Dunfield, Ken
Dunkley, Mr. & Mrs.
Dunlop, Miss
Dunlop, Michael
Dunn, Frank
Durbrow, Peter
Durham, W.N.
Dyer, Dr.
Dymond, H.H.
Eady, Magistrate
Eady, Mrs.
Eady, Belle
Eady Donna
Eady, Ernie
Eady. George
Eady H.A.
Eady, Harold
Eady, Henry
Eady, Jason
Eady, Minnie
Eady, Robert
East, Bobby
Easton, Katherine
Easton, Wallace
Eckford, Margaret
Ed’s Tool & Machine
Edgar, Helen
Edmondstone, Dan
Edmondstone, Gavin
Edwards, Hugh
Egan, Tom
Eisen, John
Elliott, Audrey
Elliott , Bill
Elliott, Doreen
Elliott, Edith
Elliott, Evangeline
Elliott, Harry
Elliott, Irene
Elliott, Jean
Elliott, Ray
Elliott, W.
Elliott & Pulcine
Ellis, Bert
Ellis, Gus
Ellis, L.M.
Elmore, Helen
Energite Explosives
Enght, Antony
English, Peter
Enkubeck, Antony
Ennis, Jim
Enright, Ed
Enright, E.T.
Enright, Michael
Essex, Sylvia
Eureka Fire Co
Evans, Dr. David
Evans, Don
Evans, Henry
Evans, Neil
Exchange Hotel
Eyre, Rev. D.W.
Eyre, Rev. Lloyd
Faichney, W.N.
Fairbairn, Rev.
Fairfield, Buck
Fallis, Lois Dempsey
Farlinger, Kay
Farquharson, David
Farrell, Wallace
Farrell, William
Farrell’s Landing
Farrow, Don
Fawcett, Joan
Fee, Diane
Fennessy, Mildred
Fenwick, Dr.
Ferguson, Alexander
Ferguson, Earl
Ferguson, Heather
Ferguson, James
Ferguson, J.B.
Ferguson, J.M.
Ferguson, John M.P.
Ferguson, John M.
Ferguson, Laverna
Ferguson, Rachel
Ferguson, Ruby
Ferguson, William
Ferrier, A.A.
Ferrier, John
Fester, Bob
Findlay, Wallace
Fishenden, Harry
Fishenden, N.
Fishenden, T.
Fishenden, William
Finlayson, N.
Finner, Peter
Fire department
Fitzpatrick, Joe
Fleck, Captain Elizabeth
Fleming, Kay Brown
Fletcher, Bob
Fletcher, Todd
Florence Nightingale Club
Flower, Betty
Flower, N.R.
Flynn, Father
Forbes, Lucy
Forbes, K
Forgie, Evelyn
Forgie, James
Forgie, John L.
Forgie, Mrs. J.L.
Forgie, Kerry
Forrest, John
Forrest, Robert
Forrest, William
Forresters, Independent
Fort Coulonge
Fortington, Mary
Foster, Dr.
Foster, H.
Foster, Randy
Foy, Gabrielle
Francis, Arthur
Francis, Allan
Francis axe factory
Francis, Harvey
Francis, Samuel
Francis, Peter
Fraser & McNab
Fraser, Abraham
Fraser, Alex
Fraser, Andrew
Fraser, Donald
Fraser, Douglas
Fraser, Dudley
Fraser, James
Fraser, Dr. J.K.
Fraser, Leslie
Fraser, Lucy
Fraser, Mac
Fraser, Margaret Ann
Fraser, Rod
Fraser, Ron
Fraser, Rev. Simon
Fraser, William
Fraser & Smart
Freemark, T.
Freitag, William
French, Rt. Rev. F.
French, Guy
French, T.P.
French, Thomas
Fritsch, Mrs.
Fritz, Olive
Froats, Allan
Froats, Donald
Froats, George
Froats, Gordon
Froats, Grace
Froats Kenneth
Frood, Bill
Frood, Cap
Frood, Hilda
Frood, Misses
Frood, Mrs. Peter
Frood, Sam
Frood, Wallace
Frost, Hon. Leslie
Fuks, Pauls
Fuller, M.L.
Funk, DoryGagan, Bill
Galbraith, Edna
Galbraith, Frances
Galbraith, Nancy
Galbraith, Walter
Gallagher, Arthur
Gallagher, L.
Gallivan, Tim
Galvin, James
Gannon, Kay
Garrett, A.E.
Garrett, Cecily
Garvie, Leta
Gauthier, Alfred
Gauthier, John
Geddes, Ralph
Gemmell Bros.
Gemmill, Ken
Gemmill, Martha
Gendron, Dr. Ed.
Geordie’s pipers
Gerndt, Rev. L.H.
Gerritse, Bernard
Gerritse, John
Gervan, D.H.
Gibbons family
Gibbons, Fred
Gibbons, John
Gibbons, J.F.
Gibbons, Willis
Gibson, J.A.
Gibson, Margaret
Gibson, Olive
Gilbert, Hugh
Gilchrist, A.J.
Gilchrist, Bob
Gilchrist, Iris
Gildersleeve, C.F.
Giles, A.O.
Giles, Ernie

Gilhooly, Alan
Gilhooly, Alice
Gilhooly, Bill
Gillie, Miss
Gilmore, Ephraim
Gilmore, Hugh
Gilmore, Larry
Glowinkie, John
Glassford, Rev.
Godin, Florence
Golden Lake
Golf Club
Goodfellow, Dolores
Goodfellow, Jim
Goodwin, Elizabeth
Gordon, J.P.
Gordon, Peter
Gormley, Florence
Gould, Isabel
Gould, Nina
Goulet, Chris
Goulet, Christina
Goulet, Don
Goulet, Janet
Goulet, Leona
Goulet, Mrs. R.
Gower, Daphne
Graham, Hon. George P.
Graham, D.W.
Graham, Rev. Gerald
Graham, Gordon
Graham, James
Graham, Viola
Grand Trunk Railway
Grant, G.M.
Gravelle, Andrew
Gravelle, Arthur
Gravelle, L.O.
Gravelle, Joseph
Gravelle, Fr. Joseph
Gravelle, Millie
Gravelle, Roy
Gray, Emmett
Green, Audrey
Green, Professor
Green, Winston
Greer, Moses
Grice, Kenneth
Griese, Alf
Griese, Barry
Grigg, Mrs. A.
Grigg, C.K.
Grigg, Lila
Groves, Mary Jane
Goves, Thomas
Guest, Dr. D.B.
Guest, Audrey
Guest, Edgar,
Guest, Howard
Guest, Janet
Guest, Percy
Guest, Richie
Guest, Wilbur
Guest, W.T.
Gugg, Mrs. E.
Guigues, Rev. E
Guise, Mrs. Alfred
Guise, Clara
Guthrie, Ethel
Guthrie, Moira
Guyea, Bill
Hackland, Jim
Hagens, John
Haines, Whitman
Hale, Helen
Haley Industries
Hall, Edward
Hall, George
Hall, John
Halpenny, Harry
Halstead, Bessie
Hamilton, Peter
Hammond, Rev. Gordon
Handford, A.L.
Handford, Mrs. A.L.
Handford, Dr. E.Y.
Handford, Edward Jr.
Handford, Dr. Herbert
Handford, Hugh
Handford, Lillian
Hanneman, Carl
Hanneman, Mary
Haramis, Howard
Haramis, Wayne
Haramis, Mrs.
Harcourt, Mr.
Hardy, Tom
Harker, Dr. James
Harkness, Mabel
Harrington, Fr. D.J.
Harris, W.M.
Hartwell, V.
Harty, John
Harty, Mick
Harvey’s mill
Hass, Rev. M.J.
Hawkins, Evelyn
Hawkins, Mabel
Hawkins, William
Hawthorne, B.
Hay, Rev.
Haycroft, Cyril
Hayes, J.
Hazelton, William
Headrick, James
Heaslip, Donna
Heaslip, Garnet
Hebron Christian Reformed Church
Heideman, Donald
Hein, Mr.
Henderson, Dan
Henderson, Marie
Hendry, Piper
Henshaw, Glenyce Ferguson
Henshilwood, Gladys
Henshilwood, Tom
Hermans, Arlette
Hermans, Wil
Herpers, Henry
Heston, George
Heughnergard, Clarence
Heyda, Dick
Hickey, Mack
Higgs, D.H.
High Falls
Higginson, M.A.
Hill, Debbie
Hilliard, Fred
Hilliard, Howard
Hilliard, Jane
Hilliard, Joan
Hilliard, Tom
Hilliker, Basil
Hillmer, John
Hinchley, Harry
Hincks, Hon. Sir Francis
Hines, Eva
Hinsperger, C.A.
Hisko, Ernest
Hisko, Gary
Hisko, Ray
Ho, Dr.
Hoare, Glen
Hoare, Tim
Hobson, Dr. W.
Hodder, John
Hodgins, John L.
Hodgins, Martha
Hodgins, Walter
Hodgins, Wellington
Hoffman, August
Hoffman, Bertha
Hoffman, Emma
Hoffman, Harold
Hoffman, Herman
Hoffman, Joan
Hoffman, Julius
Hoffman, Robert
Hogeboom, Arie
Hohs, E.G.
Hohs, Elen
Hohs, Helen
Hohs, Vic
Holden, Clinton
Holden, Meda
Holgate, Denis
Hollingsworth, Muriel
Holmes, Bill
Holmes, Hazel
Holten, Alf
Holton, Margaret
Holy Name Society
Hoornveld, Teije
Hoover, Terry
Hope, Col
Hope, Jane
Hopwood, Cliff
Horner, Terry
Horrick, Mick
Horsfield, R.W.
Horticultural Society
Horton township
Horne, Rev.
Hotel Renfrew
Hough (lumberman)
Hough, A.L.
Hough, Lillian
Howard, John
Howard, Phil
Howard, S.R.
Howe, Syd
Huckabone, Gladys
Hudson, Jerry
Hudson, Moses
Hughes, Sir Sam
Hughes, Jim
Hultink, Jack
Hultink, Jake
Hultink, Rick
Hume, Harold
Humphries, Doris
Humphries, William
Hunt, Ada
Hunt, Fr. B.
Hunter, Fred
Hunter, Mrs. Fred
Huntley township
Huras, Rev. W.D.
Hurd’s Creek
Hurd’s Lake
Hynes, T & Son
Hynes, Thomas
Imbleau & Sons
Imbleau Bob
Imbleau, Claire
Imbleau, Elmire
Imbleau, Emma
Imbleau, Gilbert
Imbleau, Loney
Imbleau, Lorne
Imbleau, Louis
Imbleau, Lucy
Imbleau, Luke
Imbleau, Merrill
Imbleau, Nelson
Imbleau, Raymond
Imbleau, Sherry
Imbleau, Treff
Imbleau, Yvonne
Imlach & Munro
Ince, Bert
Industrial Commission
Inwood, M.J.
Irish, Terry
Irving, Grace
Irving, Lt. Col. Lennox
Isolation Hospital
Jacobs, Dr. Albert
Jack, Gordon
Jack, Cecile
Jackson, A.Y.
James, Colleen
Jamieson, Alexander
Jamieson, Archibald
Jamieson, Arthur
Jamieson, David
Jamieson, Dougald
Jamieson, George
Jamieson, J.A.
Jamieson, Wm
Jamieson brick yard
Jamieson Lime Co
Jehovah’s Witness
Jenner, Miss
Jennings, Syd
Jessup, Walter
Johnston, Amy
Johnston, Beatty
Johnston, Christie
Johnston, George
Johnston, Graham
Johnston, Jim
Johnston, Larry
Johnston, Laura
Johnston, Olive
Johnston, V.
Johnston, W.J.
Jones, Rev. C J.
Jones, Rufus
Jordan, Herb
Jordan, Jim
Jordan, Isobel
Junior Girls’ Auxiliary
Jory, E.N.
Journal, The
Joyce, Michael
Joynt, Jean
Juby, Emma
Juby, Gary
Jull, Annie
Juriewicz, Leonard
Kaplan, Paul
Kappes, R.W.
Kasaboski, Alex
Kasaboski, Catherine
Kasaboski, Larry
Kasaboski, Patricia
Kauffeldt, Eric
Kayman, Walter
Kearney, W.H.
Kearns, Rev.
Keddie, Morgan
Kedrosky, Greg
Keeler, H.L.
Keeler, L.T.
Keen, William
Keizer, Jacob
Keizer, Steve
Kelly, Bernard
Kelly, Mamie
Kelly, Rev.
Kelly, William
Kelly’s liquor store
Kelvin Creek
Kemlein, Helena
Kemp, Dr. Donald
Kemp, Walter
Kennedy, Jack
Kennedy, P.S.
Kennedy, Rev.
Kennedy, Thomas
Kennelly, Donald
Kennpel, Charles
Kenopic, Anna
Kenopic, Arlene
Kent, A.W.
Keough, Rev J.J.
Kerr, B
Kerr, Thomas
Keuning, Ken
Kiely, Sylvester
Kilgour, Alex
Kilties, Tom Marks’
Kimpton, Nelson
King, J.P.
King, Hon. Mackenzie
Kingdom Hall
Kingston & Pembroke Railway
Kingston Whig Standard
Kirby, Karen
Kirk, Russell
Kirk, Wally
Kirkham, Marjory
Kirkwood, William
Klinowski, Colleen
Kluke, John
Knapp, Fred
Knight, Mrs. James
Knight, Thomas
Knightly, Nancy
Knightly, Robert
Knights of Columbus
Kobus, Michael
Kobus, Stan
Kubisheski, Felix
Kules, Bacher
Kuseler, Earl
Kusluskie, Jean
Kuss, Marvin
Kwong, Dr. Norman
Labonte, Elsie
Lalonde, Newsy
Lamont, Alex
Lamourie, Dick
Lanark & Renfrew pipe band
Lanark County
Landis, Jim
Landrigan, William
Lane, Mr.
Lapicki, Alex
Laporte, Gabrielle
Laporte, Lucy
Larkin, Rev. G.B.
Larkin, J.M.
Larocque, Bernie
Larocque, Mrs. B.
Latchorn, Jim
Latimer, R. Allan
Latendresse, Gary
Latendresse, Iva
Laughlin, Robert
Laumen, Joe
Laurier, J.
Laurier, Sir Wilfrid
Laverty, Michael
Lavigne, Dr. Ronald
Lawson, Mr.
Layeaux, Jerry
Lazenby, Harry
LeBlanc, Ray
LeBlanc, Max
Leclaire, H.
Leclaire, James
Ledger, Dr. W.H.
Lee, David
Lee, Ed
Lee, Will
Leeney, Ted
Legget, Henry
Legree, James
Legree, Joe
Legris, Dolly
Legris, Gary
Legris, Joe
Legris, Maureen
Leitch, J.G.
Leitch, James
Leitch, R.B.
Lemay, Gilbert
Lemenchick, A.J.
Lemenchick, Charlie
Lemon, Jim
Lepine, Earl
Lepine, Kenneth
Lepine, Minnie
Leskie, Peter
Lester, Hub
Lester, Ruby
Letang, Herb
Library Board
Light Alloys
Lindsay, Allan
Lindsay, Bert
Lindsay, Earl
Lindsay, John
Lindsay, John M.
Lindsay, Margaret
Lindsay, Marjorie,
Lindsay, Marie
Lindsay, Mary
Lindsay Music Co
Lindsay, N.E.
Lintet Industries
Lilley, Miss A.
Little, David
Lions Club
Livery stables
Livingstone, Dr. Leslie
Lochead, Rev. William
Lockwood, Agnes
Lockwood Claudette
Lockwood, Fred
Lockwood, Fred Sr.
Lockwood, Jack
Lockwood Robert
Lockwood, Tom
Lockwood, William
Logan, Charles
Logan, Harvey
Logan, Katherine
Logan, Jean
Logan, Robert
Logan, Shirley
Logan, William
Logan Textiles
Logan woollen mill
Loken, Bill
Loken, Chris
Long, Joseph
Longlin, Guy
Lorente, David
Lortie, Paul
Lossing, Rev. Harry
Low, D.W.
Low, Hon. Thomas A.
Low, Mrs. T.A.
Low Square
Low, William
Loyal Orange Lodge
Loziuk, John
Lubbers, Thomas
Luker, Bernie
Lunney, Ed
Lutheran Church
Lyric TheatreMacDonald
MacDonald, Eugene
MacDonald, C
MacDonald, Hugh
MacDonald, Mayor
MacDonald, Ron
MacDougall, Marion
MacFarlane, D.A.
McGregor, John
McGregor, Larry
MacGregor, Roy
MacKay Bros
MacKay, Allan
MacKay, Edward
MacKay, John
MacKay, William
MacKay, W.A.
MacKenzie, Bev
MacKenzie, Robert
MacKenzie, Russell
MacKinnon, Donald
MacKinnon, Ian
MacKinnon, Kaireen
MacKinnon, Dr. Kenneth
MacKinnon, Mary Jane
MacKinnon, Murdock
MacKinnon, Peter
MacMillan, James
MacMillan, John
MacMillan, Mrs. Jack
MacMillan, Jean
MacNeill, Rev. John
McAdam, Miss
McAdam, William
McAndrew, D.H.
McManus, Allan
McArthur, Claude
McArthur, Donald
McArthur, Edith
McArthur, George
McArthur, Jim
McArthur, W.B.
McCallum, D.J.
McCallum, Frank
McCallum, James
McCallum, Dr. Mary
McCann, Blanche
McCann, Carman
McCann, Duff
McCann Dr. James
McCatty, Jean
McCauley, Dan
McClure, Kathryn
McConnell, Mrs. F.R.
McCormack, Barry
McCormack, Dr. Colin
McCormack, Dorothy
McCormack, John
McCormack, Dr. Norman
McCormack, William
McCrea, Ada
McCrea, Campbell
McCrea, Hon. Charles
McCrea, Muriel
McCreary, Doreen
McCuaig, Agnes
McCuaig, Bill
McCuaig, D.W.
McDermaid, John
McDermott, Barney
McDonald’s abbattoir
McDonald, C.W.
McDonald, Gerald
McDonald, Hugh
McDonald, ]ohn
McDonald, Sarah
McDonald, Janet
McDougal grist mill
McDougall, John Lorne
McDougall Museum
McDowell, Charles
McDowell, Fern
McDowell, Dr. Kenneth
McDyer, Anne
McEachen, Mary
McEachen, Rev.
McElligott, Father
McElligott, Tom
McElveney, W.A.
McEwan, Mrs. James
McEwen, Reeve
McFadden, J.J.
McFarlane, D.C.
McGarry, Angela
McGarry, T.W.
McGill, Bruce
McGowan, Charlotte
McGowan’s livery
McGregor, Allan
McGregor, C.J.
McGregor, Cecil
McGregor, Mrs Colin
McGregor, Dorothy
McGregor, Edna
McGregor, Ethel
McGregor, Helen
McGregor, John
McGregor, Lois
McGregor, Peter
McGrogan, Cynthia
McGrogan, George
McHardy, James
McInnes, Angus
McInnes, John
McInnis, John
McIntosh, Donita
McIntyre, B.A.
McIntyre, Ernest
McIntyre, Eva
McIntyre, Hazel
McIntyre, John C.
McIntyre, John Lorne
McIntyre, Ken
McIntyre, Peter
McIntyre, Robert
McKay, Bros
McKay Archie
McKay, Eileen
McKay, Gordon
McKay, John
McKay, Ken
McKay, Minnie
McKay, Robert
McKay, William
McKechnie, Clayton
McKeddie, Katherine
McKie, Robert
McKie, William
McKillop, Dr.
McKnight, William
McLachlan, Rev. J.D.
McLachlin, Daniel
McLaren, Cameron
McLaren, Dan
McLaren, Mrs. Dan
McLaren, J.B.
McLaren, John
McLaren, Margaret
McLaren, Mary
McLaren Robert
McLaren, William
McLaughlin, Mrs. A.
McLaughlin, Ed
McLaughlin, Garfield
McLean, A.A.
McLean, D.N.
McLean, Thomas
McMahon, Addie
McMahon, Evelyn
McMahon, Francis
McMahon, J.M.
McManus, Cliff
McMaster, Miss
McMullen, Betty Manion
McNab, Mrs. A.A.
McNab, Allan
McNab, Agnes
McNab, Angus
McNab, Archibald
McNab, Ben
McNab, G.G.
McNab, Isabella
McNab, John
McNab, Dr. J.
McNab, K.
McNab, Katie
McNab, Laird of
McNab, Malcolm
McNab, Mary
McNab, Robert
McNab, Roy
McNab Township
McNally, W.G.
McNamara, B.
McNamara, Fr.
McNeil, Herb
McNeill, Edwin
McNevin, A.
McNevin, Hector
McNevin, Florence
McNevin, Mae
McNicoll planing mill
McNicol, Ada
McNicol, J.D.
McNicol, James
McNicol, John
McNicol, Misses
McNicoll, Emma
McNulty, J.
McNulty, Fr. J.
McNulty, Marion
McNulty, Mrs. R.
McPhail, Alexander
McPhail, Bruce
McPhail, Dolly
McPhail, Donald
McPhail, Janette
McPhail, Mary Ann
McPhee, Rev. Floyd
McQuade, Maurice
McRae, John
McRae, Robert
McTavish, Kate
McVeigh livery
McVeigh, M.
McVeigh, William
McVicar livery
Maass, Mrs. William
Macaskill, Archibald
Macdonald, Sir ]ohn A.
Mackay, J.
Mackay, Margaret
Mackay, Thomas
Mackay, W.A.
Mackay, William
Mackay & Guest
Mackie, Dr. Andrew
Mackie, Thomas
Magline Ltd.
Mahusky, Jerry
Mahusky, Mona
Maidment, Ernest
Main, Rev.
Main, Miss P.
Main, T.L.
Maitland, Rev.
Maloney, Arthur
Maloney, Dr. M.J.
Maloney, Hon. James
Manion, Hilliard
Mangan, Mary
Mann, Rev. Alexander
Mann, Dr. James
Mann, Byrons
Maple Home cheese factory
Marcus, David
Marelli, Tony
Marion Lodge
Marmora, Arthur
Martelle Co.
Martin, Agatha
Martin, Alex
Martin, Arthur
Martin, Bob
Martin, Hilda
Martin, J.
Martin, Jim
Martin, Terry
Martineau, Auguste
Marton, Joan
Mason, Ross
Mason, S.B.
Mason Trophy
Mason, W.J.
Masonic Lodge
Masson, John
Ma-te-way Park
Mayhew, Harold
Mayhew, Ira
Mayhew, James
Mayhew, Joseph
Mayhew tea room
Mayors and Reeves
Mechanics’ Institute
Meighen, Bill
Mellor, Bob
Mellor, Gwen
Melville, Col, J.E.
Melvin, Ralph
Mendizabal, A.R.
Mennie, G
Merchants’ Bank
Mercury, The
Mercury-Advance, The
Meredith, Rev.
Merrick, Misses
Methodist Church
Mick, A.
Mick, M.
Mickus, Dr. V.A.
Middleton, H.
Mielke, Carl
Meilke, Ruth
Millar, Captain
Millar, Doug
Millar, J.C.
Millar, Jean
Millar, John
Millar, Katherine
Millar, Melville
Millar Ralph
Millar, T.B.
Millar, W.
Miller, Alex
Miller, Chris
Miller, Rev. Dan
Miller, Eva
Miller, Gladys
Miller, Hector
Miller, J.E.
Miller, John 22
Miller, Dr. Lance
Miller, Margaret
Miller, Mary
Miller, Paul
Miller, Phyllis
Miller, Stanley
Miller Sybil Dempsey
Milliken, Dr. J.A.
Milliken, Miss
Mills, James
Mills, John
Mills, R.C.
Mills, T.
Minard, Gabriel
Mise, Robert
Misener, Miss
Misener, R.K.
Mitchell, David
Mitchell, John
Mitel Corp
Moffat, Gordon
Moffat, Norman
Moffat, Samuel
Moffat, Thomas
Monsell, Harley
Moodie, R.P.
Mooney, Doris
Moore, Clarence
Moore, Douglas
Moore, Howard
Moore, Veneta
Moran, John
Moran, Pat
Morgan, Jack
Morgan, Susan
Morris, Hon. Alexander
Morris, Rev. D.J.
Morris, James
Morris, Marion
Morris, Mary
Morris, Peter
Morrison, Delta
Morrison, Donna
Morrison, J.P.
Moriarity, Terisita
Morton, Joan
Moss, Harry
Moss, P.
Moulton, Jack
Mount St. Patrick
Mullen, John
Mulvihill, Cornelius
Mulvihill, J.P.
Mulvihill, Jane
Mulvihill, Dr. Louis
Muir, Christina
Muir, Elizabeth
Muir, Eva
Muir, T.B.
Muir, William
Munro, John
Munro, Rev. George
Murack, Tony
Murray, Dorothy
Murray, Rev. E.J.
Murray, Harvey
Murray, Joan
Murray, J.L.
Murray, Mrs. J.L.
Murray, Joe
Murray, Mrs. M.J.
Murray, Stella
Murray, T.M.
Murphy, Carol Ann
Murphy, Joshua
Murphy, Lois
Murphy, Dr. S.H.
Myers, George
Nadobny, Eileen
Nadobny, Joe
Nagrodski, Stan
Naismith, Dr. James
Near, Mrs. Peter
Neil, Derek
Neville, Terry
Nevin, J.
New, John
New, Joseph
New, Ruth
New, Thomas
New, W.C.
Newberry, Bob
Nicholl, Bill
Nichols, Mrs Wm
Nighbor, Edna
Nightingale Club
Nile Expedition
Normand, Fern
Norris, N.H.
Norton, J.
Nute, Winnifred
Nutter, Harry
Oates, Curry
Oates, Ethel
Oates, George
Oates, W.A.
Old Home Week
Olimer, Bert
Oliphant, De Vee
Oliver, Miss
Ontario Provincial Police
Ooi, Dr. J.
Opeongo Road
Opeongo Ski Club
Orange Hall
Order of the Eastern Star
Ostende, Piper of
Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Railway
Ottawa House
Ottawa Valley Grain Products
Ottawa Valley Flour Mills
Ottawa Valley Seed Growers
Our Lady of Fatima Church
Our Lady of Fatima School
Ottawa River
Owen, Mr.
Owens, O.
Owens, Rt. Rev. S.P.
O’Brien, Bill
O’Brien, Catherine
O’Brien Cup
O’Brien, Dr.
O’Brien, Jack
O’Brien, Jennie
O’Brien, M.J.
O’Brien mills
O’Brien munitions
O’Brien opera house
O’Brien, Wilfred
O’Connor, Annie
O’Connor, Art
O’Connor, Blanche
O’Connor, Mrs. J.J.
O’Connor, Jack
O’Connor, James
O’Connor, Terry
O’Connor, Wayne
O’Connor, William
O’Dea, Patrick
O’Donnell, Robert
O’Donoghue, Frank
O’Gorman, Sinon
O’Hara, John
O’Harro, John
O’Kane, James
O’Kane, Jack
O’Neil, Miss A
O’Neill, Mac
O’Rourke, Michael
O’Shea, Brian
Page, Jessie
Page, Jim
Palmer, Doug
Parkview Free Methodist
Parks, Herb
Pappin, Mae
Paris, John
Parnell, Mildred
Paquette, J.
Parry Sound
Parsons, R.
Parsons, Ruby
Patrick, Lester
Patriotic Fund
Patterson, Bryan
Patterson, Pat
Paul, Mr.
Paulsen, Andrew
Paulsen, Rev. B.
Pauze, Joe
Payne, Harvey
Payne, Sarah
Payne, Wilbert
Payne, William
Peabody, Rev. Gordon
Pearson, George
Pearson, Hon. Lester B.
Peck, Bob
Pecore, Sr. Joan
Pedlow, Annetta
Pedlow, I.E.
Pedlow, Olive
Peever, Bessie Kerr
Peever, Clifford
Peever, Edna
Peever, George
Peever, Muriel
Pender, Beverley
Pennock, C.G.
Percival, Joanne
Perkins, Reta
Perry, Cora
Perry, O.R.
Perry, Robert
Peterborough Examiner
Phanenhour, Mrs. D.
Phanenhour Mill
Phillips, G.H.
Phillips, J.
Pickup, Rev. H.R.
Pierce, Harry
Pierce, Kay
Pierce, Percy
Pifilnski, Jacob
Pilgrim, Harvey
Pilon, Agnes
Pinnacle Players
Plaunt’s drugstore
Plaunt’s hotel
Plaunt, Ada
Plaunt, Arthur
Plaunt, Beth
Plaunt, Dorothy
Plaunt, F. Xavier
Plaunt, J.
Plaunt, J.M.
Plaunt, Mrs. J.M.
Plaunt, Mr & Mrs Tom
Pogue, Miss
Pokyck, John
Pole, James
Pole, Mary
Police Department
Polish people
Polyfiber Ltd
Portage du Fort
Porteous, Dorothy
Potten, Anne
Potter, Alexander
Potter, Eric
Pottinger, Sydney
Powell, Merle
Powell, Percy
Powell, William
Pratt, Wayne
Preen, Albert
Preen, Mrs. B.
Prentice, Jo
Prentice, Vern
Presbyterian Church
Preston, Dan
Price, Gordon
Prince, ]ack
Prince, Marjorie
Prince, Maureen
Prince, Tom
Prins, Dicky
Proctor, Oswald
Proctor, Vic
Proffitt, Olive
Proffitt, Henry
Proulx, Brian
Provost, Mr.
Puckett, J.K.
Pulcine, Miss M.
Pulcine, Peter
Purvis, Dr. George
Purvis, Nettie
Putrycz, Tony
Quartermaine, Canon William
Quackenbush, Clara
Qust, Hubert
Quattrocchi, Tony
Queen Elizabeth School
Queen’s University
Quilty, Irene
Quilty, Leonard
Quinn, Doreen
Quinn, Fr. J.J.
Quinn, Owen
Quinn’s Sewing Centre
Quinn, V.J.Raca, Mary
Raglan, Lord
Raeburn, Andrew
Raeburn, Mrs. A.
Rafuse, Ned
Rahes, A.
Ramsbottom, Gladys
Raney, Agnes
Rankin, John
Rath, Mabel
RCAF Assoc.
RCA Victor
Ready, Campbell
Ready, Corinne
Ready, Donald
Ready, Ernie
Ready, Harvey
Recreation Centre
Red Cross
Redfern, Nancy
Redford, Glenna
Redtman, W.H.
Reed, Agnes
Reid, Burt
Reid, David
Reid, Marjory
Reid, Norman
Reid, William
Reinke, Audrey Byron
Reinke, Ed
Renfrew, Town of
Renfrew, County of
Renfrew & District Historical Society
Renfrew Board of Education
Renfrew Renfrew Board of Trade
Renfrew Bottling Works
Renfrew Collegiate Institute
RCI staff
Renfrew driving assoc.
Renfrew Curling Club
Renfrew Electric
Renfrew Flour Mills Ltd.
Renfrew Horticultural Society
Renfrew Housing Authority
Renfrew Hydro Commission
Renfrew Industries
Renfrew Knitting Mills
Renfrew Machinery Co.
Renfrew Manufacturing Co.
Renfrew Milling
Renfrew police force
Renfrew public library
Renfrew Power Co.
Renfrew Precision & Sheet Metal
Renfrew Realty
Renfrew Refrigerator Co.
Renfrew Roller Mills
Renfrew steam laundry
Renfrew tennis club
Renfrew Textiles
Retail Merchants Assoc.
Reukema, William
Reynolds, C.C.
Reynolds, Susan
Ricard, Charles
Rice, Red
Richards, Scott
Richards, William
Richardson, Garfield
Richardson, Gladys
Richardson, Kate
Richardson, Mrs.
Riches, M.
Riddell, L.
Ringrose, Dr. Lyons
Ringrose, Moira
Ritchie, Millie
Ritza, August
Ritza, Bernard
Ritza, Dominic
Ritza, Dorothy
Ritza, Larry
Ritza, Margaret
Ritza, Margery
Ritza, William
Roach, Hal
Roach, Helen
Robarts, Hon. John
Roberts, Charles
Roberts, Hugenia
Roberts, J.
Roberts, Syd
Roberts, W.N.
Robertson, Donald
Robertson, Grace
Robertson, Katherine
Robertson, Robert
Robertson, Sterling
Robertson, W.
Robinson, Angela
Robinson, Barry
Robinson, Cora
Robinson, Paul
Roche, Frank
Rochester, J.K.
Rodgers, Judy
Rodgers, Leonard,
Rodgers M.R.
Roger, Michael
Rogers, Gert
Rollins, Rev. James
Rome, George
Rome, Jean
Roney, Rev. R.J.
Roffey, Alex
Roffey, James Henry
Roffey, Margaret
Roffey, Mary
Roffey, Thomas
Rolfe, Pat
Rose, Bob
Rose, Fred
Ross, Daryl
Ross, George
Ross, Grace
Ross, William
Ross Township
Roswell, Sam
Rotary Club
Rouble, Christine
Rougier, Fr.
Round Lake
Rousselle, Bernard
Rousselle, Peter
Rousselle, W.B.
Rowan, Thomas
Roy, Melinda
Royal Bank
Royal Canadian Horse Artillery
Royal Canadian Legion
Rubingh, Rev.
Ruddy, Frank
Runge, D.F.
Runge, Fred
Runge Newspapers
Runtz, Sadie
Rusheleau, Herb
Russell, Mrs. Carl
Russell, Clarence
Russell, Jack
Russell, Jean
Russell, Martin
Rutter, Rev. Kenneth
Ryan, Bill
Ryan, Frank
Ryan, Dr. J.
Ryan, John
Ryan, Mick
Ryan, Rt. Rev. P.T.
Ryan, TomSalfer, Albert
Salter, Ronald
Salvation Army
Sammon, Terry
Samson, W.D.
Sand Point
Sanderson, Chloe Jane
Sash & door factory
Sayles, E. Roy
Schaenfield, Dorcas
Schaenfield Iron & Metal
Scharf, Enoch
Scheuneman, Brent
Schneider, Rev. Henry
Scobie, Mel
Scott, A.
Scott, C.A.
Scott, Gary
Scott, George
Scott Hardware
Scott, lan
Scott, Jeff
Scott, Jennie
Scott, John
Scott, Lucy
Scott, Rena
Scott, Robert
Scott, R.D.
Scott, Tat
Scott, Mrs. W.
Schultz, Wilbert
Schutt, Frank
Schwerdfeger, Ray
Seaman, Kent
Second Chute
Second world war
Seeley, Guy
Seeley, Clair
Seidler, Wilhelmina
Selkirk, James
Separate School Board
Sewell, Wendy
Seymour, Moses
Shalla, Sharon
Shannon, P.J.
Sharpe, Arnold
Sharpe, Mrs. K.M.
Shaver, Melba
Shaw, G,B.
Shaw, Harry
Shaw, Shirley
Sheahan, Gerald
Shean, Frank
Sheehan, Colleen
Shergold, Marion
Shields, A.
Shields, Mrs. G.
Shields, Herbie
Shields, Jamesina
Shields, Sam
Shore, Art
Shore, Betty
Shore, Douglas
Shunk, J.T.
Sidney, Tom
Sikorski, General
Silicon Chip
Silver, Jay
Simpson, Cam
Simpson, Rosemary Letang
Simpson, Russell
Simpson & Elliott
Sims, A.H.
Simson, Dr. Stan
Sirosky, Rev. Terry
Sister, Agatha
Sister, Anthony
Sister, Aloysia
Sister, Alice Marie
Sister, Anne Morrissey
Sister, Barbara
Sister, Christina
Sister, Clare Gallagher
Sister, Columban
Sister, Gertrude
Sister, Helena
Sister, Honora
Sister, Lucille
Sister, Martha Prince
Sister, Mary Angela
Sister, Mary Bernadette
Sister, Mary Immaculate
Sister, Mary Judith
Sister, Mary Lenore
Sister, Mary Othelia
Sister, Margaret Glofcheskie
Sister, Margaret Ryan
Sister, Maureen Potvin
Sister, Pauline
Sister, Rosemary
Sister St. Anthony
Sister St. Ambrose
Sister St. Hilda
Sister, St. James
Sister, St. Maurice
Sister, St. Paul
Sister, St. Pius
Sisters of the Holy Cross
Sisters of St. Joseph
Skebo, Pauline
Skebo, Robert
Skeglo, Paul
Skerkowski, George
Skinner, Dorothy
Slater, Darcy
Slingerland, John
Slingerland, Rachael
Sloan, Sheila
Sloan, Fr. T.J.
Slobodzian, Philip
Smallfield, Albert
Smallfield, W.E.
Smiley, Douglas
Smart, Annetta
Smart, C.
Smart, Mrs. H.
Smith, Mrs. Allen
Smith, Charles
Smith, Don
Smith, Doris
Smith, Ernie
Smith, Rev. E.C.
Smith, E.H.
Smith, Emma
Smith, George
Smith, Howard
Smith, John
Smith, Mrs. John
Smith, J.D.
Smith, Kathy
Smith, M.
Smith, Nel
Smith, Robert
Smith, Thomas
Smith, W.A.
Smith, W.H.
smith, W.J.
Smith, Wilfred
Smith, Most Rev. W.J.
Smith’s Creek
Smith’s Mills
Snake River
Snider, Miss
Snow, Louise
Soderstrom, Gus
Somerville, Ben
Somerville, Ed
Sons of Scotland,
Sons of Temperance
Southern, J.J.
Sparham, Mrs. T.J.
Spooner, Gordon
Sport Renfrew
Spotswood, Miss
St. Andrew’s
St. Francis Xavier
St. James Lutheran
St. John Ambulance
St. John Baptiste Society
St. Joseph’s School
St. Laurent, Louis
St. Louis, Sheila
St. Michael, Gerald
St. Paul’s
St. Thomas Apostle School
Stafford, Tobias
Stanley, Elsie
Stark, Bob
Stark, Lillian
Stark, Marjorie
Steele, Jack
Steele, J.E.
Steele, Mary
Stephen, A.
Stevens Control
Stevens, Margaret
Stevenson, E.H.
Stevenson, Henry
Stevenson, Muriel
Stevenson, T.T.
Stewart & Chown
Stewart-Hartshorn Ltd.
Stewart, Alex
Stewart Bros
Stewart, D.W. Senior
Stewart, D.W. Junior (Wallie]
Stewart, D.W. III
Stewart, Donald
Stewart, Edna
Stewart, Elizabeth
Stewart, Elsa
Stewart, E.J.
Stewart, George
Stewart, Harold
Stewart, Hugh
Stewart, Horton Township
Stewart, James
Stewart, James, family of
Stewart, Ian
Stewart, Jessie
Stewart, Kathleen
Stewart, M.
Stewart Park
Stewart, Peter
Stewart, P.S.
Stewart, William
Stewart, Mrs. William
Stewart, Winona
Stewart, Hon. W.A.
Stinson, Katie
Stitt, Dawson
Stone, D.E.
Storie, Kathleen
Storie, Lindsay
Strader, Dr. Bruce
Strathcona Shield
Strike, industrial
Stringer’s barber shop
Stringer, Carol
Stringer, Dan
Stringer, Thursa
Stringer, W.J.
Stuart, Mrs. B.
Stuart, Dorothy
Stubinski, R.A.
Stunt, John
Styles, Bill
Styran, W.H.
Sullivan, Ethel Palmer
Sullivan, Fr.
Sullivan, T.L.
Sully, Vera
Sulpher, David
Sulpher, M.J.
Sunset Restaurant
Supple, John
Swant, Kathleen
Sylvester, David
Syme, Mr.
Symington, Barbara
Swinging bridgeTackman, Harry
Tallon, Nancy
Taggart, Amy
Taggart, David
Taggart, John
Taggart, Roy
Taggart trucking service
Taylor, Andrew
Taylor, Fred (Cyclone)
Temperance Hall
Terry Travel Trailers
Tetu, Doug
Thacker, Bob
Thacker, Bill
Thacker, Clara
Thacker, C.O.
Thacker, George
Thacker, Ina
Thacker, R.T.
Thacker, Thomas
Thaxter, Rev. A.J.
Thibeault, Roger
Thistle, Francis & Carswell
Thom, Mrs. D.
Thom, Mrs. Leo
Thom, Nona
Thom, Ralph
Thom, Ronald
Thomas, Mrs. A.N.
Thompson, Alex
Thompson, Archie
Thompson, Bob
Thompson, Garney
Thompson, George
Thompson, John
Thompson, Lloyd
Thompson, Peter
Thompson, Roberta
Thomson, Archibald
Thomson, Rev. George
Thomson, Philip
Throop, A.B.C.
Tierney, Teresa
Tilley, Agnes
Timm, Hanna
Timm, Joey
Timmins, G.A.
Tobin, Frank
Tolley, J.
Tomlinson, L.W.
Toronto Dominion Bank
Vickers, Frank
Totten, Dick
Totten, Mrs. Earl
Totten, Fred
Totten, Harvey
Totten, Lorne
Totten, Rita
Towne, Mrs.
Townshend, Arthur
Trade unions
Trinity United Church
Troke, Chip
Troke, Peter
Troke, R.L.
Trudeau, Hon. Pierre
Tucker, George
Turnbull, Bob
Turner, Elaine
Turner, Frank
Turner, Hon. John
Turner, Lorna
Tweedsmuir, Lord
Tye, Donald
Tye, Grace
Ulrich, Shirley
United Church
United Church Women
United Empire Loyalists
United Farmers of Ontario
United States
University Women’s Club
Ussell, P.
Utronki, Vincent
Valuch, Jacob
Valuch, Michisca
Valley Bottling Works
Van Alstine
Van Der Ploeg
Van Giffen
Van Gilot
Van Peursem, Rev. W.
Van Vloet
Van Woezik
Van Woezik, llse
Varsch, Betty
Veltman, J.
Velthoen, A.
Vermeer, T.J.
Vice, Eileen
Vice, Michael
Vice, Tibby
Vice, Tom
Vice, Mrs. T.
Victoria Hospital
Victoria School
Vielgoz, V.
Villemaire, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Villemaire, T.J.
Villamere, P.J.
Vincent, Kenneth
Vincent, Mary
Vincent, Marilyn
Vincent, Reverend
Vineer, Beverley
Vineer, Bill
Virgin, Bert
Virgin, Bob
Visinski, Alex
Visinski, Ken
Visneski, Andy
Visneski, Danny
Visutski, Joanne
Volunteers, The
Vooght, Bert
Wade, Dr. Arthur
Wade, Dan
Wade, Fred
Wadsworth, Bernard
Wadsworth, Celina
Wadsworth, Frank
Wadsworth, Jack
Wainman, David
Wainman, Harry
Walford, J.H.
Walker, Douglas
Walker, Harry
Walker, Rev. James
Walker, Lillian
Walker, Robert
Walker, Ruth
Walker stores
Wallace, Archie
Wallace, Bob
Wallace, Bertha
Wallace, Frank
Wallace, Isobel Plaunt
Wallace, Dr. James
Wallace, John
Wallis, Gil
Walneck, Russ
Walsh, Miss
Walsh, Elleda
Ward, Charles
Ward, Douglas
Ward, James
Ward, Maggie
Wark, Tom
Warren, Garwood
Warren, Kathy
Warren, Kerri
Warren, Rob
Watson, Rev. Cyril
Watson, Hazel
Watt, James
Watt, Major A.
Watt, William
Webber, F.L.
Weegar, Blanche
Weegar, C.E.
Weir, Barbara
Weir, Marion
Weiss, Bill
Weller, Mabel
Welsh, Red
Wesbrook, Andy
West, Eleanor
West, Rev. I.N.D.
Westinghouse Canada
White House
White Lake
White, W.R.
Whitley, H.
Whitton, Charlotte
Whitton, J.B.
Whitton, Jack
Whitton, Mrs. John
Whitton, Kathleen
Whitton, Margaret
Whitton, Steve
Wickman, Christine
Williams, Celene
Williams, Cliff
Williams, Edith
Wilke, Merv
Wilkins, Roma
Wilkinson, Marion
Wilmot, R.J.
Wilson, Boyd
Wilson, Mrs. Dickson
Wilson, E.J.
Wilson, Gary
Wilson, H.G.
Wilson, Hector
Wilson, Rev. John
Wilson, Joyce
Wilson, Kent
Wilson, Leila
Wilson, Nettie
Wilson, Norman
Wilson Tire Service
Wilson, William
Windle, Bishop J.R.
Winters, Bill
Winters, Harold
Wire bridge
Wittenbosch, Rev.
Wolmsley, Don
Women’s Christian Temperance Union
Woods, Jean
Woods, Frank
Wooden Shoe
Wright, A.A.
Wright, B.A.
Wright, Len
Wright, H.R.
Wright, Mabel
Wright, Orange
Wright, Peter
Yakabuski, Lori
Yakabuski, Paul
Yandon, Judith
Yolkowski, Des
Yolkowskie, Margaret
Yolkowskie, Paul
Young, Mr.
Young, Ross
Young, Anna
Young, Grace
Young, Harry
Young, James
Young, John
Yuill, Mr. & Mrs Joseph
Zavitski, Vin
Ziebarth, Guy
Zierback, Joe
Zimmerman, N.E.
Zimmerman, Ruth