are Arranging Things
by Noreen Kruzich
Foreword by Harold “Skip” Ross
Part One
The Thunderbird Amongst the Algonkin
Chapter 1: A Meeting on the Moccasin Trail
Chapter 2: The Lost Trail
Chapter 3: Warriors Without Land
Chapter 4: From Time Immemorial
Chapter 5: Tribal Land
Chapter 6: A Sojourn to Cedar Lake
Chapter 7: Heraldic Symbolism
Chapter 8: Totemic Signatures
Chapter 9: The Thunderbird Amongst the Algonkin
Part Two
In the Moccasins or His Father
Chapter 10: In the Moccasins of His Father
Chapter 11: Ancestral Dreams
Chapter 12: Generations to Come
Chapter 13: Sustenance
Chapter 14: Madweyàshkà
Chapter 15: Half-Acre
Chapter 16: Manitou Mountain
Chapter 17: Up The Madawaska
Chapter 18: Inamo – “The way the trail goes”
Chapter 19: Stories are like Paths
Chapter 20: The Ancestors Are Arranging Things
Recommended Reading
Algonquin Provincial Park
Alymer, Lord
Anahareo, also Gertrude Bernard
Bagot, Sir Charles
Bagot, also Springtown
Bangs, James Smith
Bay of Quinte
Beattie, Judith
Bell, Robert
Bennett, B.
Big Porcupine Lake
Bigsby, Dr. John Jeremiah
Blackwood, John
Bonnechere River
Bonnechere Lake
Bonnechere Algonquin First Nation
Booth, J.R.
Brant, Mary “Molly”
By, Lt. Colonel John
Bytown, see Ottawa
Cache Lake
Calabogie, Calaboga
Cameron, Angus
Campbell, Alexander
Campbell, Colonel John
Champion Rapids
Champlain, Samuel de
Canniff, William
Carleton, General Guy
Carl Wilson Lake
Caughnawaga, also Sault Saint Louis
Cedar Lake
certificate(s), Grand Chief
Chats Lake
Chaudière Falls
Chevalier, Chief Amable
Colborne, Sir John
Constant Creek
Crawford Purchase
crooked knife
Dalhousie, (Lord) George Earl of
Darling, Colonel H.C.
De Niverville, Joseph B.
Deux Rivères, Two Rivers
Dickson, Robert
Drummond lsland
Ducharme, Dominique
Du Fond, Amable & Amable du Fond River
76, 78, 81
Explorer’s Point
express canoe
Fitzroy Harbour
Fortune, Captain
Fraser, James E.
French, T.P.
Givens, Colonel James
Georgian Bay
Golden Lake Reserve, also Pikwàkanagàn
Gosford, Archibald Acheson, Earl of
Grand River, see Ottawa River
Greene, N.O.
Grenville Canal
Grey Owl, also Archie Belaney
Halliday, John
Head, Sir F.B.
Hudson’s Bay Company
Hughes, James
Huron Country & Lake
Isle aux Tourtes
Jarvis, Samuel P
Jenkins, Robert
Joachim Falls
Johnson, Sir ]ohn
Johnson, Sir William
Johnson, Archibald Kennedy
Joyce, Francis
Joyce’s Point
Kabawst, Nipissing warrior
Kanesatake, see Oka
Kaondinoketch, see Papineau
Keefer, Thomas Coltrin
Keewaydin Camp
Kekangibeway, Jean Baptiste
Kempt, Sir James
Kennedy, Patricia
Kichi Sibi, see Ottawa River
Kìgònz, Grand Chief Jean Baptiste Constant Pinesì,
(also John B. Consta, Kykons, Kiconse) (Algonkin)
Kioshkokwi Lake
Kisinsick, Chief Laurent
Little River, see Mattawa River
Lake of Two Mountains, see Oka
LaMothe, Joseph Maurice
Langevin, Hector L.
Lawrence Township
Lewis & Clark
Little Rapids
Logan, William E
Long Sault
Madawaska Hotel see McCrae Inn
Magowaskaw, Grand Chief Ignace (Algonkin)
Manitoulin Island
Manitou Mountain
Mattawa River, also Matawangue
McCrae, Edward
McCrae, Gerrard
McCrae Inn also Madawaska Hotel “Stopping Place” & Stillpoint
McCormac, Father John
McKay, Colonel William
McLellan, Neil
McNulty, Father John
Metcalfe, Lord Charles Theophilus
Metchikamikwe, Helene
Mink Lake
Mount Saint Patrick
Napier, Duncan Campbell
Neswabic, Nesswabic, see Petawawa River
Niagara Treaty
Nightingale Township
Nipissing Tribe
Nipissing, Lake
Nipissing River
North Bay
NorthWest Company
Obomsawine, Chief Simon (Abenaki)
Odawa, also Ottawa
Oka, also Kanesatake, Lake of Two Mountains,
de l’Anonciation-de-la-Bienheureuse-Vierge-marie (mission)
Opeongo Lake
Opeongo Line, colonization road
Ottawa, also Bytown
Ottawa River also Grand River, also Kichi Sibi
Ottawa Valley
Papineau, Grand Chief Francis Xavier, (Nipissing) also Kaondinoketch
Petawawa River, also Nesswabic
Pikwakanagan, see Golden Lake Reserve
Pinesi, Grand Chief Pierre Louis Constant (Algonkin)
Pinessiikwe, Marie Josephe
Portneuf, Chief Ignace (Abenaki)
Prevost, Sir George
Ragged Lake
Rebellion (of 1837)
Reed, Hayter
Rideau Purchase
Rideau River
Robinson, Peter
Rochester, George
Rochester, John
Rock Lake
Rocket Chute
Royal Proclamation
Sabine Township
Sagard, Gabriel
Saint Anne’s cemetery, church
Saint Francis
Saint Lawrence River
Saint Regis
Sault Saint Louis, see Caughnawaga
Scott, Duncan Campbell
Seventh Fire Prophecy
Shingwaukonse, Chief (Ojibway)
Shirreff, Alexander
Shirreff, Charles
Simpson, Sir George also Francis
Smoke Lake
Source Lake
Springtown, see Bagot
Squaw Valley
Stentz, Marcia
Stillpoint, see McCrae Inn
Sullivan, Father John
Superior, Lake
Talon Lake
Thomson, Peter
Three Rivers
Toronto, also York
Totemic signature(s)
Traill, Catherine Parr
Two Rivers, Lake of
Victoria Island
Viscount, Governor General Charles
Walters, Billy
Wambolak, Waubolak
Wanipum, wampumpeague
War (of 1812)
Watt, F.B.
White, Aubrey
Whitefish Lake
Wright, Philemon
York, see Toronto
XY Company