Project 1 – Arthur R. Hynes

Prominent Citizen Died On Operating Table in Renfrew Hospital
Renfrew Mercury 1938

The community received another shock on Wednesday forenoon, a continuation of several in recent months, when announcement was made of the death of Dr. Arthur R. Hynes. He entered the hospital to undergo a major operation. For some time he had known that he required surgical treatment to correct an internal disorder, and he resolved that when otherwise in good physical condition he would take the step. But the shock was too great for the system.

Dr. Hynes was apparently a very rugged man. He had gone through the Great War as a member of the dental corps. He was fond of golfing at the time of his demise holding the presidency of the Renfrew Golf Club. He was enthusiastic both as a member of the Masonic and I.O.O.F. orders. He was a member of the board of managers of Renfrew United Church. For some time he held membership on the Board of Education. Membership in the local branch of the Canadian Legion was also his. He had just allied himself with the Rotary Club.

After graduation as a dentist Dr. Hynes practiced for some time in Western Ontario; then returning to his home town, where for several years he was to be found daily in his office, with a fondness for arriving there at an early hour in the morning. He built up a heavy practice. His parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hynes. To his sisters the Misses Eva and Gertrude Hynes deepest sympathy of the town and surrounding country goes out to them. Funeral services are to be conducted at the home on Friday afternoon following another in Trinity St Andrew’s United Church at 2 o’clock.

Cortege Formed at House Thence to United Church and Thomsonville Cemetery
Renfrew Mercury 1938

At the funeral of the late Dr. Arthur R. Hynes on Friday afternoon last high tribute was paid to his memory by Rev. J. Passmore Braithwaite, acting pastor of Trinity St Andrew’s United Church, and by Rev. Canon Quartermaine, who also assisted in the service. This was at the church service which followed a private one at the family home.

“We are met here today, “said Rev. Mr. Braithwaite, “under a common sense of loss, and not a few of you with a deep sense of personal bereavement.” He did not, he said, propose to say much; least of all as a comparative stranger would he presume to make any extensive reference to one whom all had thought of with affection. But he would be regarded in some measure failing in his duty if not saying a few words, first as to the suddenness of his loss, Dr. Hynes had been present at worship on the last Sunday evening and had been on the golf links on Tuesday; thus it was almost impossible to realize he was gone. On Tuesday evening he entered the hospital; early Wednesday morning he died. Mr. Braithwaite dwelt upon the lessons taught by the suddenness of the death and made mention of the many kind words he had heard in town concerning his merits. Canon Quartermaine spoke as one who had long known Dr. Hynes, and extolled his merits.

Members of the Renfrew Masonic Lodge were present in a body, as were also members of the local branch of the Canadian Legion, led by Captain Harry T. Dean. Captain W.M. McAndrew headed the tiring party of the Lanark and Renfrew Scottish, who with arms reversed marched in the cortege and tired three volleys over the grave at Thomsonville Cemetery. Pipe Major Pierce sound the customary Scottish lament, while Comrade Leonard White sounded the reveillie and “Last Post”, leading in Masonic rites were Messrs. George Munro, John Conley, D.E. Stone and Canon Quartermaine. Bearers were Messrs. A.W. Baird, J.R. Easton, E.R. Sayles, D.W. Stewart, E.J. Stewart, K.S. Russell. Floral tributes were numerous. Attendance at the funeral was large, made up not only of Renfrew people but of many from a distance.

The Blue Lodge and the Chapter of the A.F.&A.M. sent wreaths as did also the I.O.O.F. Renfrew County Dental Society, Board of Education, the Golf Club directors of Golf Club, employees of Golf Club, Pembroke Golf Club, Eastern Ontario Dental Association, Renfrew Collegiate and Vocational School, principal and staff, Dominion Dental Co., caddies of Renfrew Golf Club, Renfrew branch of Canadian Legion.