Project 1 – C.C. Collins

Renfrew Mercury
June 6, 1902

For some time, it has been known that there was no hope of the recovery of Mr. C.C. Collins, headmaster of the Roman Catholic Separate School; and the end came early on Saturday morning. Mr. Collins had not been in good health for a couple of years, but struggled manfully on with his work, until a severe cold, contracted at the close of the winter, compelled him to cease his labors, and from that time on the decline of his strength was steady. The deceased came to Renfrew some five or six years ago, to take charge of the Separate School after the Christian Brothers left; and being an accomplished violinist was soon impressed into public service in many ways; having charge of the Renfrew Orchestra in its palmist days, and having instructed many young Renfrewites in music. He was generous in the use of his gifts for all worthy public enterprises; and was much esteemed by those who were in this way thrown into his companionship.

For some years, too, he has been secretary-treasurer of the Public Library Board. Deceased was 44 years of age, and leaves a widow and five young children. He was a member of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, and carried $2,000 insurance in that benevolent fraternity.

The funeral took place on Monday morning to the church of St. Francis Xavier, the boys of the Separate School, marshaled by Mr. F.M. Devine, and the C.M.B.A., led by Mr. Dominic Coulas, preceding the hearse. After the funeral service the procession reformed, and proceeded to the K.&P. Railway station, whence the remains were taken to Guelph, the home town of both Mr. and Mrs. Collins. The remains were accompanied by Mrs. Collins, and the two eldest children, Mr. Joseph Downey, M.P.P., of Guelph, (brother of Mrs. Collins) and Mr. A. Gravelle, chairman of the Renfrew Separate School Board.