Project 1 – Harold G. Barnet

Renfrew Mercury November 1913

For some time past the family and friends of Mr. Harold G. Barnet have been under the painful realization that he was slowly slipping away from the things of this world. Some five or six years ago he entered upon a business life on the Pacific coast, and there he contracted a severe cold which settled upon his lungs. Despite the advice of the most skilled physicians, the disease made steady progress; and though he well knew the inevitable course of what had affected him, he kept up good spirit to the last, and was most solicitous that those around him should be spared from the grief of witnessing his decline in strength. At an early hour on Monday morning, and at an early period of manhood, the end came, peacefully.

Harold was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Barnet; and although twice before this their neighbours have been called upon to mourn with them in the loss of some suddenly removed when entering upon manhood – there is a deeper note to the sympathy which goes out to those who see a loved one, upon whom they had been building hopes, slowly fading from the realm of strength and life.

Harold gave promise of possessing to large degree the business acumen of his father, and was like him too in being a generous friend. In September l907 he was married to Miss Louise MacPherson of Glengarry, who survives. Three brothers, Jas. E. H., J. George, and Thos. F.; and four sisters, Mrs. C.B. McAllister, Mrs. Jas. H. Carswell, Mrs. E.H. Code and Miss Grace also mourn his demise. The funeral service on Thursday afternoon was conducted by Rev. F. B. Horne and Rev. W. M.H. Quartermaine. There was a large gathering of sympathetic friends not only from the town but from a wide section of the Ottawa Valley; and such a wealth of floral memorials have never been seen here; coming not only from friends of the family here and elsewhere from coast to coast; but from a large number of financial and industrial companies in which Mr. Barnet and his sons are interested. The pallbearers were Messrs. C.A. Duff, R.W. Eady, Jonathan Carswell, W. Dean, W.R. Clark and Sydney Pottinger.